If you have the skills, and do not have a mortgage then you could do it yourself but we would not recommend doing so.
You wouldn’t be permitted to do this if the property is mortgaged – lenders will require a solicitor or licensed conveyancer to be appointed to deal with the repayment process (also known as mortgage redemption).
What options do you have if you want to sell your house without a solicitor?
Retain a licensed conveyancer instead of a solicitor
In England and Wales you can choose to have a licensed conveyancer deal with the sale of your property.
Solicitors and licensed conveyancers are both regulated legal professionals who are well equipped to deal with the legal work required in the selling and buying of a home, there are a few differences between the two. It’s important for you to familiarise yourself with these when deciding which legal professional to choose.
- The two professions are governed by different regulatory bodies. The Law Society for solicitors and the Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC) for conveyancers.
- Solicitors are required by law to disclose any referral fees they receive from estate agents or other bodies, conveyancers have no such legal obligation.
- Licensed conveyancers are not limited in their ability to act on both sides of the transaction as solicitors are.
- There can also be a price difference between solicitors and licensed conveyancers.
- As with anything, it’s important you do your research and find the best deal. For those who are particularly tight on cash or your property is of standard type, condition, location then a conveyancer could be a good option.
- We have a modern Conveyancing service that we are very proud of for reasons that will become clear in the link below.