Tips for selling your home fast
- Kerb appeal – Buyers will start making judgements before they reach your door. Make sure the outside areas are tidy, garden is looking under control.
- Wash down exterior doors and windows, clean glass does get noticed.
- Trim lawns and hedges, weed the drive. Keep the front of the property as neat as possible.
- Remove clutter from any surfaces, give the impression of “this property works really well”.
- If you have three cars taking up the parking spaces move them, your prospective buyer needs to park.
Tips for selling your home fast – Upon entering
- Smells – if you have pets remember you may have gone “nose blind” it happens. Ask a neighbour or friend to be honest and address it.
- A little spring cleaning is always a good idea. If you don’t have a no shoes policy at home it may be an idea to think about it now. You will be ready at short notice to show people your home and the clean carpets.
- Make your home spacious. Hide away anything which clutters the shelves. Make your rooms look larger by getting rid of excess furniture (it will save you time when you move) If a buyer can easily see the far corner of the room down to carpet level the room appears larger.
- If something is broken, wonky, or tatty it’s worth getting these items fixed well in advance of a visit.
- Pink lime green and bright red all have their place. Your buyers may not share your design experience. Beige and light neutral colours make rooms look larger.
- Have you got problems with your water ? Prospective buyers may flush the toilet, look in the bath, or run a tap to check the pressure. Replace washers, fix the toilet, and remove the limescale around the shower head if needed.
- Check all doors to see they open and close properly, windows, curtains, and blinds should all be clean and functional.
- Watch for trip hazards, or light fittings that could let you down during a show around. Everything should be clean and in good condition.
Tips for selling your home fast – Does it feel homely ?
- Check bathrooms. Thoroughly clean the toilet, bath, shower, sink, mirrors, and cabinets. Put a new toilet roll in the holder. Put a clean towels in the bathroom. Use odour neutralisers and avoid imposing your favourite smell of Caribbean primrose oil on them, they may not “get it”.
- Put fresh flowers in as many rooms as possible. You can’t beat fresh flowers, but you must make sure they are really fresh and perhaps not too heady.
- Fitting low energy light bulbs a year before you go on the market is not a bad idea. Your utility bills will be lower and so your EPC will be improved. Yes you could achieve a higher sale price. If showing buyers round in the evening, remember that soft up-lighting is more flattering than a harsh ceiling light.
- Make sure your home smells fresh. Brew coffee, bake bread, and light those scented candles.
- Present each room and space to its very best.
Other ideas to prepare your house for sale
- Ask a neighbour or friend to look after your pets. Don’t be too sensitive to this, a buyer may have phobias, allergies, bad previous experiences and more. Getting into an argument over your pet will not help sell the property.
- Inspect the entire property and make sure your family understand the benefits of getting on your side and supporting you.Click here to create a draft listing for your property at no cost